Monday, September 21, 2009

A Mini-Trip: Canadian, Texas

We went on a one day trip to Canadian, Texas the other week. The kids did great for the two hour drive and Gavin was more than ready to burn off some energy once we arrived. So I pulled over at a small park at let him play...

Then Daddy arrived...

Later, we stopped to eat at a restaurant. The food was good and Gavin loved all the dead animals that stared at us while we ate (I didn't care for this, why is it we are not allowed to bring in a live animal but it is okay to eat with dead animals hanging all around. I just want to eat them, not look at them all furry and glassy-eyed. Anyway, I digress...).

After dinner we stopped at the Canadian River Wagon bridge. 

It was long, we never reached the end and turned back once it was near dark.

There was a right up in the NY Times about Canadian that is a pretty interesting read. Click here to check it out.

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