Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Gavin's latest pose for the camera...

and his other latest...

Friday, January 23, 2009

A boy, sand, and a dog

Gavin loves to explain things and tell stories. Not sure what this story was about but I am sure it was a whopper.

Our dear friend Catherine dropped off some sand for G's sandbox, perfect timing, the weather has been awesome the past couple days and Gavin has spent hours in the sand. Here he is tormenting Skeeter, by throwing sand at her whenever she walks by...

Fighting over a stick.

Skeeter spitting sand out of her mouth...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

First Hair Cut

Gavin had his first haircut last weekend. I picked a place that catered to kids thinking that would ease the process....
In hindsight I think it was a little too much for him, the singing movie, bubbles, and total stranger approaching with a sharp object did not help.

Pre-Shorn and unknowing...

Both the guys had haircuts that day, although Dustin was not quite as fussy and opted for a different salon (or whatever guys call it).