Now that I am a Mom, Mother's Day, of course has whole new meaning. What is there on earth more honorable, noble, or
fufilling than being a Mom? I don't think it can get better than is!
So with that, I just want to tell my Mom thanks. Thanks for giving up so much, for being there when we were sick, cranky, sad, or troubled. Growing up, there was never a time that I questioned being loved. I always knew you loved me, even when I got my much needed spankings or reprimands (and thank you for those too).
My Mom, Sandy, right around her first Mother's Day. Isn't she just beautiful!!

My Mom, holding my big brother and sitting next to my Grandma, is pregnant with me in this picture. With Mom, us kids always came first. I can't think that their was a woman crafted better to be my Mother.

Crazy that in this picture, my Mom is younger than I am now, and I am still on my first child. I am not sure how she managed raising us
succesfully when she was so young herself.

My Mom at the birth of Gavin. She was such a great help, and I was so happy that she could be there to support and encourage me.

Mom, I just want to thank you for giving so much of yourself in raising us kids. I am truly blessed to call you my Mom and you are a gem and a delight to me! I know that you prayed without ceasing while we made poor decisions, and suffered the consequences. I know that you loved us and love us still, no matter what silly thing we do! Thanks so much for being my Mom and I hope that I can be as loving, generous, and caring to my own children.