Thursday, January 3, 2008

G's First Christmas

Our first Christmas as parents was, of course, better than any before. Gavin was not sure at first about opening his presents but he got the hang of it eventually, and of course he preferred the wrapping paper and boxes over the gift itself. He should be a pro by the time his birthday rolls around.
We spent the morning at home and the rest of the day at the Craig Clan home (where else in Texas would we go!) Gavin had more gift opening experiences, and loved his stacking cubes(Thanks Kreitzers, you were missed!), toy cars, and new clothes (they were perfect Auntie Carole!).
The highlight of Gavin's day is when he found an M&M on the floor and ate it before anyone could stop him.

We hope everyone had a merry and joyous Christmas, we missed those we could not be with and look forward to seeing ya'll soon.


Kreitzer Fam said...

Hey! Cute photos. . . Glad G. liked his gifts. Look at Leah's hair - so dark and long oohlala!! We miss being with y'all too:( Hey, what's up with Gracie's "Chest" Cake - I always thought it was Chess Cake:) Love to you all -y'all!

Leah said...

Gracie herself told me it was Chest Cake (I think). I goggled it and it came up as both Chess and Chest, maybe I should go with the more politically correct, Chess Cake! We miss you all!!

Unknown said...

Passing by, while viewing random blogs... thanks for the pictures, you look like a nice family!
Have a happy 2008!

Leah said...

Thanks Daniele!