Our good friend is the head coach at a local High School and we were happy to attend his team's first home game. Gavin seemed to enjoy the lights, noise, and people. By the end of the game he was very ready to sleep and let us know this during the entire drive home.
What if we're interested in the boring stuff, too? I really like the layout and the pictures. If you could hear me, you would be able to see how "unreasonably" excited I am, but not a sarcastically unreasonable excitement...the real kind.
Hi Leah, Dustin & Gavin,
We recieved your email to introduce your Blog for G. This is wonderful. We can keep in touch better and see how G is growing. Which by the way, he is growing like a weed. We miss you all so much. We hope that all is well. We know that each day with Gavin is even more fun than the day before. Babies grow so quickly and each day is another day of fun with them.
Thanks for for putting the blog together guys. We miss seeing all of you and this is a terrific way of staying in touch.
Give Gavin a huge hug and kiss from us. We can't wait to see all of you again.
Kyle, Heather, Triston & Camdyn
Leah, We are enjoying the Blog that you have set up. Gavin is just precious. Our trip down was such a blessing. Thanks for opening up your home to us. You are being a great mom to our grandson. I love you and miss you. Give Dustin and Gavin a BIG hug and kiss. Love you all!
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