Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I have a ton of pics I would like to get up from my Mom's recent visit. I was overwhelmed by the number of images I would like to post, so I decided instead to just put up some images from today...
The weather cleared up for the first time in several days and G was able to enjoy a Popsicle.
Adalay is gracing us all with her sweet smiles...

G posing for the shot.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Quick Post

We flew to our new home less then 2 weeks ago. Gavin and Adalay did awesome on the flight. G watched Sesame Street on Dustin's iPod and Adalay slept and ate the whole time. We are still in the process of moving in, unpacking, finding Pediatricians, etc... Please give us a bit of time catch up with everything!!