Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Attack of the Baby

I have what seems like an eternal amount of pictures I would like to get posted. Once I am caught up on photo shoots I will come back to G's neglected blog, until then...
Kid-sized chairs were in high demand during our trip to Goldendale. Gavin planning his attack...
He makes his move... At this point I had to set down the camera and seperate them...
Later, Gavin in a seat of his own.

Friday, April 18, 2008

WA. Visit Part Deux

More pictures from our recent visit to Washington State.

Toby educating his younger cousin...
Gavin and Uncle Wade ...

I think Wade passed the Gavin "do I like you?" test...
Wade and Sheila's sweet girl...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

More of G

If you would like to see some super cute pictures of a super cute boy visit Meg's blog at I LOVE the one of the box! Too cute.

Since I am here, I might as well put up another G-pic...

...or two......three is a good round number :)

Over the hills, and through the snow...

The last time I saw my family in WA state, I was 5 months pregnant, Gavin is now over a year so this trip was long overdue. The flight, which I had been dreading since we planned the trip, was not all that bad, and Gavin handled it quite well.
Gavin and Grandma

The "neat" little trick, D taught Gavin of climbing over the couch from the changing table (Grandpa helping him along). That will come in handy...

Khelani was born a month after G and I was so excited to meet her! She was such a little girl!! Everything she did was so much more "dainty" then the way G did things. No one can convince me boys and girls are the same, these two were prime examples of sugar/spice and everything nice vs. snails & puppy dog tails! Plus, she has a neck, I never realized Gavin was missing his until he sat next to her! They got along well and played along side eachother. She has such a sweet little Mona Lisa smile, and the biggest brown eyes I've ever seen, arrgh! I miss her already... Wade and K wrestling...
My Nephew Toby, was also visiting from Alaska (we missed the rest of ya'll!). He is three and was such a great sport to play with the two babies. He would hold G's hand and walk him around, and then lovingly steal his toy (and Matt, my son totally beat up your son!)! It was a hoot to watch, I think the futare holds some fun for these two!

I have tons of pictures to post, so check back soon for more...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Gavin has tons of admiring female friends but he also has several good male buddies. One of them is Nate, who we are fortunate to have as a neighbor, he is kind enough to offer to come and play with Gavin so that I can get things done...

We are off to visit family in WA. state for several days, I will post some pics when we get back. Until then...