Adalay had her 4 month well baby visit. She is growing like a champ and weighs in at 14pds 9oz she is tall at 25.5 inches but has a tiny little head that is in the 14% of children her age. Just the opposite of her 90th% head brother. She is 100% cute.

So with major thanks to Sarah (my BFF from 2nd grade) and
this post (which I have read, and re-read at least a dozen times), I have finally made the jump to cloth diapers. I have wanted to do this since before I had Gavin but it was so much easier just to buy a box of diapers each month instead of paying for what seemed to be the gigantic start up cost of cloth diapering. Well, after months of buying one diaper at time I finally have enough to get Adalay through 2-3 days before having to wash.
Cloth diapers are irresistibly cute, I bought this diaper cover from
from ReThink Crafts at
Etsy and I am very impressed with it so far (no leaks)!

Adalay has decided the photo shot is officially over.

I am going to be making changes to this blog pretty soon. I am in the process of getting another one up and running. Once it is up I will provide a link so you can enjoy more Addy and G goodness.
Speaking of G...
I am all about letting kids being kids while I take their pictures and I can't stand cliche or cheesy, super posed shots. I swear this wasn't one!

Comments more than welcome!! Until next time...